Obieda Ananbeh

Sr.Software Engineer

Microsoft Certified

Java Developer


Obieda Ananbeh

Sr.Software Engineer

Microsoft Certified

Java Developer


Blog Post

How to Get the AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution Certification

June 16, 2023 Article
How to Get the AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution Certification

Report: How to Get the AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution Certification

The AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution certification is designed for professionals who want to demonstrate their skills in designing and implementing AI solutions on the Microsoft Azure platform. This report provides a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for the certification, focusing on the Microsoft resources and exam lab available.

  1. Microsoft Learning Paths and Training Resources:
    Microsoft provides a range of learning paths and training resources to help you prepare for the AI-102 certification. The following Microsoft resources are recommended for study:
Prepare for AI EngineeringThis learning path provides an overview of AI engineering and covers the fundamental concepts and principles of AI. It includes modules on machine learning, data science, and AI solution design. Link
Provision and Manage Azure Cognitive ServicesThis learning path focuses on provisioning and managing Azure Cognitive Services, covering various services such as text analytics, speech, and language understanding. Link
Process and Translate Text with Azure Cognitive ServicesThis learning path delves into text processing and translation using Azure Cognitive Services. It covers topics such as natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and translation services. Link
Process and Translate Speech with Azure Cognitive Speech ServicesThis learning path explores speech processing and translation using Azure Cognitive Speech Services. It covers speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion, and language translation. Link
Create a Language Understanding Solution with Azure Cognitive ServicesThis learning path focuses on creating language understanding solutions using Azure Cognitive Services. It covers topics such as intent recognition, entity extraction, and language understanding models. Link
Build a Question Answering SolutionThis learning path guides you through building question answering solutions using Azure Cognitive Services. It covers knowledge mining, document processing, and question answering models. Link
Build Custom Text Analytics SolutionsThis learning path explores the creation of custom text analytics solutions using Azure Cognitive Services. It covers topics such as custom language models, entity recognition, and text classification. Link
Create Conversational AI SolutionsThis learning path focuses on creating conversational AI solutions using Azure Cognitive Services. It covers topics such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and speech-enabled applications. Link
Create Computer Vision Solutions with Azure Cognitive ServicesThis learning path delves into creating computer vision solutions using Azure Cognitive Services. It covers topics such as image classification, object detection, and image analysis. Link
Extract Text from Images and DocumentsThis learning path focuses on extracting text from images and documents using Azure Cognitive Services. It covers topics such as optical character recognition (OCR), form recognition, and document analysis. Link
Implement Knowledge Mining with Azure Cognitive SearchThis learning path explores knowledge mining using Azure Cognitive Search. It covers topics such as search indexing, cognitive skills, and knowledge store implementations. Link
Develop AI Solutions with Azure OpenAIThis learning path provides insights into developing AI solutions using Azure OpenAI technologies. It covers topics such as language models, reinforcement learning, and conversational agents. Link

I recommended to go through each of these learning paths to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered in the AI-102 certification.

  1. Exam Lab:
    The AI-102 certification exam lab is an essential resource for hands-on practice and preparation. The exam lab provides practical exercises and scenarios that simulate real-world AI engineering challenges. It helps you develop the skills required to design and implement AI solutions on the Azure platform. Access the AI-102 exam lab through the following link: AI Engineer Exercises.

To obtain the AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution certification, it is crucial to leverage the learning paths and training resources provided by Microsoft. The recommended Microsoft resources cover various aspects of AI engineering and Azure Cognitive Services, enabling you to gain the necessary knowledge and skills. Additionally, practicing in the exam lab and referring to the book “AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution” will enhance your preparation and readiness for the certification exam.

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